TEM holder × Cartridge Linkage System
with Vacuum Transfer

  • IGS Linckage System

±20degree Double tilt tem holder + Cartridge
Easy Link to SEM and FIB by Cartridge
Vacuum Transfer Function and cryo option

Li TiO3 HR STEM with -165℃
Cartridege X Cryo X Vacuum Transfer

Sampling, which is difficult to do inside a glove box, is made much simpler by using cartridges, which can be obtained safely and securely, and there is also an option that allows for cooling.

Au nano particle_comp
Great Stability
Easy link by FIB sampling

It has high stability while having the function of not being exposed to the atmosphere. High-resolution images can be obtained even under cooling.

High Throughputput
Advantages of owning some cartridges

By having multiple cartridges, you can significantly reduce your working time and memorize your sample positions. Furthermore, it is easy to request work to others.

ー Easy Link to SEM and FIB ー

Increased throughput with cartridges Easier work inside the glove box

The shape is open on one side so that FIB can be processed.
This allows the cartridge to be set in the tem holder without removing the sample,
greatly reducing the risk of sample damage.

  • Linkage System

By making it into a cartridge, it becomes possible to link various devices.
 【 Cartridge Linkage System 】

Improved work efficiency and throughput by this tem holder

Language: Cartridge tem holder Cartridge tem holder
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