Double tilt Atmos Defend Holder

  • vacuum transfer tem holder

High efficiency EDS Analysis at FEI Quad SDD
Double tilt±20° + Vacuum Transfer TEM holder
High resolution tilt control at 0.01degree step

EDS Analytical Model

  • vacuum transfer tem holder

Structure that does not obstruct detection
path of EDS as much as possible

Drift Cancel Structure

  • vacuum transfer tem holder

With our proprietary drift cancellation mechanism, Immediately after insert high resolution like the image.

Vacuum retention capacity and blocking capacity indicated by data

  • vacuum transfer tem holder

It is proved that the vacuum arrival time is the same in the state where the Cradle is exposed
and the state where the atmosphere is stored and it is proved that the seal performance is
high because it leaks considerably when released to the atmosphere.

TEM holder Specification

  • vacuum transfer tem holder
Component Double-tilt and Vacuum Transfer
X tilt ±25°
Y tilt / Min step ±20°/ 0.01°
Sample set Smart Set System
TEM Thermo Fisher
TFS Include item:
Temp. controller, Y tilt controller,
Software, Safety Operation Stand of tem holder introduce.

Safety Operation Stand of tem holder introduce

  • vacuum transfer tem holder