Double tilt 4 Electrodes Transfer Holder

  • Double tilt Electronic Transfer Holder

Vacuum transfering function
4 Electorodes
Heating chip +1100℃ and Biasing chip

- High resolution performance +800 -

  • Double tilt Electronic Transfer Holder

This image when a lithium ion is heated by 700℃ to 800℃
It is indicated that the occuring liquid-phase sintering process by observing surface of the electric are incorporated into on the sintering process

- Line UP MEMS Chip-

MEMS Heating
High Performance Heating MEMS Chips
Temp. Control Range ±30 ℃ to 1000℃

High responsiveness enables instant temperature changes,
combined with the unparalleled stability of MEMS chips.
By adding a cooling function, it becomes possible to transition from cooling to temperature elevation seamlessly.

Note: The controlled temperature range of the MEMS chip is from 30°C to 1000°C, while the cooling side depends on holder control."

MEMS Biasing
Low Noise FIB Biasing Cgip
Grade Noise Reduction Dielectrics

Grade Noise Reduction Dielectrics
The Gap width narrowed by 12um(±5um)by sandwiching the
insulating film,Superior measurement quality and SNR,
in both AC and DC modes.
4 probe electpode of platinum gread
Our holder cable use of Coaxial cable.
you can choice to your high-performance power supply.

Normal sample can be use Φ3㎜ grid adapter
Normal sample can be use
Φ3㎜ grid adapter

Typical electrical holders are integrated with MEMS chips.
However, our product features both
cryo cooling and vacuum transfer capabilities. Specifically, it is designed as a double tilt vacuum transfer holder, enabling the use of standard samples. By utilizing this adapter, all the functions of this holder can be leveraged to observe various samples seamlessly.

- Spec. of Heating Chip 1100℃ -

  • Heating Chip

High performance Heating MEMS chips, Collaborative development with NORCADA

  • Temperature control range : +30℃ to 1100℃
  • Resolution : Less than 0.14 nm (at +800℃)
  • Rate : Heating & Cooling rate in < 1 Sec.


- Spec. of low noise FIB Biasing Chip _

mems2_6 のコピー

High Resistivity biasing MEMS chips
Semiconductor-grade Noise Reduction Dielectrics

Sample Gap

  • Two chip configurations
  • Gap on Membrane allow more precise
  • Size:10 μmx100 μm


  • 2 Probe and 4 Probe Layout
  • 10 μm Electrode Gap
  • Platinum Standard Electrode Material

Electrode on Gap series

  • Double tilt Electronic Transfer Holder

Mel-Build’s solution chip Strong points

  • The gap width is narrowed by sandwiching the insulating film.
  • Superior measurement quality and SNR, in both AC and DC modes
  • Less noise than general chips.

- TEM holder Specification -

Component Vacuum Transfer / Double tilt / Biasing
Electrode 4 Electrodes
Temp.range +30℃~+1100℃
Resolution Less than 0.24nm (Guarantee spec.)
tilt(JEOL) X = ± 15 degree , Y=± 12 degree @ HR PP
tilt(TFS) X = ± 20 degree , Y=± 15 degree @ ST PP
Sample set Smart Set System
TEM JEOL PP type HR/FHP and Thermofisher
Include item Y tilt controller, Biasing controller, Software,Safety Operation Stand, and holder introduce.
*NOTE MEMS chip price is quoted on a case-by-case basis. (Not included MEMS chip cost)

Safety Operation Stand of tem holder introduce

  • Double tilt Electrode Atmos Defend Holder